A directory of LGBTQIA+ multicultural community groups and services in NSW
Rainbow Cultures is an online directory of groups and services for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) LGBTQIA+ community in New South Wales and more broadly in Australia.
It includes multicultural and multilingual LGBTQIA+ organisations, groups and services that cater to or are welcoming of LGBTQIA+ people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Latest community group announcements and events are posted on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/rainbowcultures
This online directory is created by the community for the community. It is the combined effort of three community groups supported by the larger community:
This online directory is based on the Multicultural LGBTIQA+ Support Directory (https://advancediversity.org.au/resources/) produced by Advance Diversity Services in 2018 and updated in 2020. The purpose of this online directory is to expand the printed version.
We would like to acknowledge the efforts and contributions from members of:
We would like to acknowledge the funding of the web design and hosting by ACON.
Multicultural LGBTQIA+ Support Directory (PDF)
Published 2020. All information in this directory has been provided by the respective support service groups and delivered in this support directory through the combined efforts of ACON, Advance Diversity Services, ANTRA, Georges River Council, ConversAsians & SocialisAsians, NSW CALD Gay Men’s Action Group and South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.